Our City's Ecological Civilization Construction Enhances the People's Sense of Achievement and Happiness
updated: 2023-12-01   views:      font-size:【big middle small

On November 23, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Information Office of the Municipal People's Government held a series of news conferences with the theme of "Striving for the First in the New Practice of Promoting Chinese path to modernization in Yancheng". The first conference focused on "comprehensively promoting the construction of ecological civilization", introducing the achievements of our city's measures to adhere to high-quality ecological environment to support high-quality development and comprehensively promote the construction of ecological civilization.

In recent years, our city has continued to deepen the fight against pollution prevention and control, promoting the continuous improvement of the city's ecological environment quality, and achieving the synergy between high-level ecological environment protection and high-quality economic and social development. In 2022, the proportion of air quality days in the city reached 84.1%, ranking first in the province; the average concentration of PM2.5 is 26.6 micrograms/cubic meter, ranking second in the province; the comprehensive index of environmental air quality has ranked first in the province for seven consecutive years; the proportion of national and provincial examination and the proportion of excellent river sections entering the sea, the compliance rate of centralized drinking water source areas at or above the county level, and the safe utilization rate of polluted farmland and key construction land have all achieved “100%”.