Yancheng Finance Implements Green Procurement to Support Low Carbon Development
updated: 2023-11-27   views:      font-size:【big middle small

Since the beginning of this year, the financial system of Yancheng has firmly established a new development concept, fully utilized the functions of government procurement policies, deeply implemented government green procurement, and continuously improved the quality and efficiency of government green procurement work by compacting the main responsibility of procurement, implementing priority mandatory procurement, promoting green building materials pilot projects, and strengthening green procurement supervision. We have fully served the construction of our city's green and low-carbon development demonstration zone, and actively supported green and low-carbon development.

As of now, our city's government has purchased 147 million yuan of green products, which has been listed as a pilot city for national government procurement support for green building materials by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.