Yancheng Customs Helps Enterprises Enjoy Benefits Efficiently
updated: 2023-11-23   views:      font-size:【big middle small

Recently, Jiangsu Bohui Paper Co., Ltd.sentwhite paperboard worthy of 113,200 yuan from Dafeng to Vietnam. With the RCEP certificate of origin issued by the customs, this batch of white paperboard is expected to enjoy tariff concessions of 5,661 yuan in the importing country. Jiangsu BohuiPaper Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of white paperboard, mainly sold to Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan and other countries along the Belt and Road.

From January to October, Yancheng Customs issued a total of 1845 RCEP certificates of origin, with an export value of 670 million yuan, an increase of 10.4% year-on-year.Tariff concessions of 3.35 million yuan in the destination country are expected to enjoy. Yancheng enterprises enjoy the value of import RCEP of 24.658 million yuan, tariff concessions of 259,600 yuan, an increase of 129.6% and 34.69% respectively.

Wu Zhiming, director of Yancheng Customs, said that the Customs will continue to focus on the difficulties existing in the process of foreign trade enterprises enjoying the benefits of RCEP, deepen investigation and research, implement precise assistance, help local brand products enjoy the full benefits of RCEP policy, and continue to promote foreign trade to ensure stability, improve quality and increase efficiency.