China-South Korea Daegu (Yancheng) Industrial Park (Korean Industrial Park)
updated: 2018-03-10   views:      font-size:【big middle small


Time of establishment: 2015

Planning area: 15km²

Function orientation: Actively echo to the development orientation of Daegu-Kyungpook Free Economic Zone in South Korea: “In order to become the world’s central industrial zone of knowledge creation, we are now fostering some future comprehensive industries such as IT fusion, cutting-edge parts’ material, green energy and advanced medical care; and are making great efforts to create comfortable knowledge industrial park, offer creative talents and demonstrate a world business zone full of investment charm”, all of which will reflect the characteristics of the fourth generation industrial parks.

Key enterprises: Jiangsu Jingxin Electronics, Jiangsu Doutian Automobile parts, Jiangsu Daewon Asia Automobile Spring, Magna automobile rearview mirror, Jiangsu Daedong Hi-Lex car door system, Jiangsu Boogook Fluid Systems, Weibasto Donghee automobile sunroof,Il Jin, Jinhap fastener

Contact information:

Tel: 0086-515-68605768, 0086-515-89080701

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